Calicoglass’s Weblog
this is about me.

Posts Tagged ‘glass

“Oooh. I’ll take one.”

November 28, 2007

It seems to be a problem for anyone who makes something or has some kind of talent. Eventually, someone will say, “I love that. Can you make me one?” And then i’m left with the dillema of whether I should remind them that i don’t work for free, or if they already know that. most […]

tuesday, after a 4 day weekend

November 27, 2007

last week was thanksgiving, and i spent 4 days just sleeping late, lounging on the couch, working in my studio, napping, and running small errands. no schedule, no clocks. so monday morning comes around and it felt like it was the middle of the night, but I could hear hubby saying “don’t you have to […]

my first post

November 26, 2007

first of all, i should tell you that i rarely bother with capital letters. that’s pretty much the end for now, since I have dinner in the oven, and glass in the kiln and I need to watch both. I’ll be back later. ok. i’m back. neither one is ready. anyway. i’m calico. wife, mother, […]